The last Algerian lion was killed in 1891 at Souk-Ahras. Some say the lions hung on for a decade or so longer in these countries. Therefore i have to say it in French " Quand le lion parle les souris, les chiens, les renards, les loups, les singes, et meme les poules doivent ecouter". Les grenouilles parlent un language peu connu en Algerie. The frogs do not talk politics they croak lies! Le lion est tres serieux.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Economics of Intangibles - Google Book Search

Economics of Intangibles - Google Book Search

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Thoughts can be Enhancers or Destroyers of Civilizations

Thinking is the driving force of creativity and creativity is the proof of existing. I think therefore I am. We intellectuals have no treasure but our thoughts. As intellectuals, we think and our power is incorporated into constructive ideas. That kind of positive thinking is power that energizes civilizations today and bodes well for future generations. The power of thinking is the soul of a human being.

If creativity is the power of creating then what is power? Power is whatever widens your ideas, sharpens your vision, works with novelty, and visualizes the obscure. Nietzsche states in a beautiful phrase, "You need chaos in your soul to give life to a dancing star."
Creativity is the breakthrough in our life transcending the normal routine of life. It is not defining or reshaping. Reshaping the world is a crazy idea boiling in a foolish mind. Redefining things is a fanatical approach equivalent to an advanced level of stupidity. Goodness is redefined as terrorism whereas real terrorism is redefined as the forced path to democracy.
I speak not of power in terms of dominance or influence. I speak of the "power" by which I mean the right to be what I want to be. I do not believe it is the right of others to manipulate and mould me into their zealous perception of "democracy." To me this is an affront.
In engineering power is defined as the work done over a certain time. If you can achieve good work in a short time then you are powerful. But on the negative side I do not mean that you kill en masse in a short span of time. This is not power but criminality and definitely not creativity. Killing in the name of Peace and Democracy is barbarism and war profiteering.
Some people relate action to work. This is a wrong perception. You can act and not work. Dancing is an action and so is killing an action. In both situations you are not working but acting. In the first image, you are acting as an artistic star while in the second image you are acting through video mentality and as a killer star.
Creativity has both roots of creation and destruction. Destruction is a force that can bring down a civilization that lasted for thousands of years.
Destroyers come into countries armed with ignorance and arrogance creating walls of concrete to herd peaceable people into prisons to spread peace! Corralling people into cement enclaves is not the way to win hearts and minds. What this kind of action shows is disgrace, scandal, and brutality.
Creativity is the state of a free and open mind. Brains closed and darkened by chaos are the sources of all political disputes and discord in the world.
For sure clarity can not be revealed by a mentally ill person. Rumors, fabrication, and gossip destroy civilizations and create partitions both in one's brain and in society. This type of partioning is evil and destructive and should be abolished because it transforms modern society into a barbaric society.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

le Retour

"Le peuple n'a pas du tout à être inquiet, nous avons tout dit, en toute clarté et en toute transparence" Abdelaziz !
L’Algérie a versé pour sa survie un tribut très lourd : des dizaines de milliers de morts, plus de vingt milliards de dollars de destructions, une coûteuse entrave au développement et une régression de notre position sur la scène internationale. Des années durant, nous avons donné le meilleur de nous-mêmes pour que s’éteigne le brasier de la Fitna, pour que nous cessions enfin d’enterrer et de pleurer nos victimes, pour que la Miséricorde divine nous vienne en aide.
Nos orphelins se comptent par centaines de milliers, les uns parce que leurs parents sont tombés en défendant la Patrie, les autres parce que leurs parents ont pris les armes contre cette même Patrie, d’autres encore plus nombreux, se sont retrouvés seuls et abandonnés du fait de la démence terroriste. Cependant, la Nation algérienne est la grande famille de tous ces orphelins. Elle saura en prendre soin et assurer leur avenir, mais elle devra aussi veiller à éloigner de leurs cœurs innocents les germes mortels de la haine et de la vengeance.
The last Algerian lion was killed in 1891 at Souk-Ahras. Some say the lions hung on for a decade or so longer in Algeria. Therefore i have to say it in French " Quand le lion parle les souris, les chiens, les renards, les loups, les singes, et meme les poules doivent ecouter". Les grenouilles parlent un language peu connu en Algerie. The frogs do not talk politics they croak lies! Le lion est tres serieux.
Les grands hommes de l'Histoire font bien la difference entre l'Histoire d'un Peuple et les histoires des gens qui forment ce Peuple. Le lion nous raconte l'Histoire du Peuple, parcontre le chien n'est qu'un simple racontard des histoires des gens du peuple.

"Tous les habitants de la Kabylie font partie du peuple algérien et ne sauraient reconnaître une autre patrie que l’Algérie"
"L’Algérie se construit grâce à la volonté et à la détermination de son peuple et non par des slogans creux distillés par des perturbateurs de tous bords"

Le Lion Abdelaziz Bouteflika a qualifié de “traîtres” les journalistes algériens qui se sont rendus dernièrement en Israël. Dans un discours prononcé devant la Chambre des députés (parlement tunisien) au terme d’une visite officielle de trois jours en Tunisie, M. Bouteflika a affirmé que l’initiative des journalistes algériens était “contraire aux valeurs chères au peuple algérien” et “impardonnable” vis-à-vis des peuples libanais, syrien et palestinien. Elle “n’engage en rien l’Algérie”, a-t-il ajouté. Tout en se déclarant favorable à la paix et aux “efforts honnêtes menés pour faire avancer le processus de paix” (au Proche-Orient), le chef de l’Etat algérien a indiqué que la politique de son pays restait inchangée par rapport à Israël.

Si la politique reste l’art du possible, la Réconciliation nationale que je vous propose représente le seul compromis autorisé par les équilibres nationaux et qui, à l’instar de la concorde civile, ramènera la sérénité dans les esprits et dans les cœurs, et balisera le chemin pour les solutions définitives de demain.

Il est temps pour chacun d’élargir sa vision pour comprendre que si les plaies sont encore béantes chez beaucoup d’entre nous, la facture nationale est lourde, très lourde, car la criminalité enregistrée sur le plan national comme la banalisation de la mort dans des milieux de notre jeunesse ne présagent pas pour demain une société de bonheur et de prospérité.
Nous, nous comptons sur Dieu et sur notre cher peuple, conscients du poids de la responsabilité, avec la foi en la capacité de notre peuple à assimiler l’appel et avec la certitude qu’il sera au rendez-vous de l’Histoire comme il l’a toujours été et le sera encore.

Puisse Dieu, Tout Puissant, préserver notre chère patrie, guider notre peuple dans son choix et bénir sa marche vers le parachèvement du processus pour réaliser davantage de progrès et de prospérité. Puisse-t-il lui permettre de vivre dans la
dignité, la quiétude et la prospérité.

Puisse Dieu nous armer de sagesse, de force et de patience pour accomplir dans la
fidélité au serment, les responsabilités qui m’incombent et être à la hauteur de la confiance de mon grand peuple pour mener notre chère patrie au plus haut rang de la dignité et de la réussite.
Gloire à l’Algérie,

Gloire à ses martyrs, ses héros et son grand peuple.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Le Retour du Lion

“Either we learn to live together as brothers and sisters in Algeria, or we will perish together as fools.”

Les grands hommes de l'Histoire font bien la difference entre l'Histoire d'un Peuple et les histoires des gens qui forment ce Peuple. Le lion nous raconte l'Histoire du Peuple, parcontre le chien n'est qu'un simple racontard des histoires des gens du peuple.
Dr. Omar Chaalal

A real lion does not accept a place where a dirty dog jails you and a tiny field mouse frees you!

There was a country called Beloved-Land where a civil war raged from 1990 to 1999. The citizens of Beloved-Land were tired of war, insecurity, injustice , and poverty.

100,000 citizens had died in the hostilities and many more were considering leaving their beloved country. Everybody wanted an end to the hostilities, which came with a great price.

The problem was that the people were traumatized by the civil war, and there was no one willing to take leadership of the country upon himself.

People gathered, talked in whispers among themselves, looking for that "special one", but nobody would step up to the plate.

Then a dog approached the people and said that he could run the country and said, "I can run your country. If you, humans can not run your country I will do it and I will do it much better than you." The people pointed fingers at the dog, telling him that he did not deserve this position. "If we appoint you the lion will be mad."
The dog thumped his tail and spoke with great determination. "If I can bring a recommendation from the lion, will you, the people, appoint me as your leader." The people discussed this option amongst themselves. "Of course."

Then the dog went into the forest looking for the lion, He was fearful and showed it by approaching the king of the forest with his tail between his legs.

The lion roared with disdain. "Why did you come to my domain, you dirty dog? Are you looking for trouble?" The dog whined and said, "No Sir! I want to be elected as leader of the country.

The people want to elect me as their great leader, if you great and mighty lion will recommend me. If you give me a recommendation and I am in position of power, I will give you everything that you desire. All will be yours without you lifting a finger.

The lion shook his tawny mane and agreed to recommend the dirty dog, but only on two conditions. The first was that he would not accept bribes (Chippa in algerian slang) and the second was that he would do it so that the people would have unity and peace would reign in the country of Beloved-Land. The dog, his tail wagging vigorously asked the large, tawny lion to come back with him to the wilaya. They were about one kilometer from the meeting place of the people when the dog said, “hey lion, what if I tie your legs with a rope, would you agree to that Mr. Lion. It would set the scene that you are a nothing.” The dog stared at the lion for a couple of minutes. “When I am elected, I will free you, do not fear, this is just for show.” The lion was a dolt and did what the dirty dog told him to do. The people could not believe their eyes when they saw the lion lying in the grass, a prisoner of the dog.

The dog, the elected leader of the country, basked in his power and forgot his promises that he had made to the lion. The animals made their way to the wilaya, to see the President doggy. Among them was a tiny field mouse who discovered the captive, hungry, and very angry lion. “Oh, the shame, he squeaked with great displeasure, “lion, king of the jungle, how could a dog be elected President and not you. Let’s cut a deal. I will untie you, if you promise me that when you make the coup d’ Etat, you will become President and I will become your second in command.” The lion, freed from his ropes, went into exile in Africa. After a while in exile, he came back to Beloved Land.
He roared in a famous speech ” I do not accept a place where a dog jails you and a mouse sets you free. I will make Beloved-Land the best place on Earth”

Grandeur, praise and glory to Abdelaziz Bouteflika who restored peace in Algeria. Abdelaziz made Algeria strong again. Long life to our lion and God bless Algeria.